Badminton - Ligue de Badminton - RSEQ Montérégie - RIVE-SUD - 2017-2018

    Schedule of the games
1st position
2nd position
3rd position
4th position
 JUVF 453 2018-02-17 10:00 
 BG #10
 Alexandra Landry (LT) 5 10
 * Xin Ting Zhou (LT) 21 21
 JUVF 454 2018-02-17 10:10 
 BG #10
 Gabrielle Savoie (CSM) 17 18
 * Andréanne Savoie (CSM) 21 21
 JUVF 455 2018-02-17 10:20 
 BG #10
 Andréanne Savoie (CSM) 9 15
 * Xin Ting Zhou (LT) 21 21
 JUVF 456 2018-02-17 10:40 
 BG #10
 * Gabrielle Savoie (CSM) 21 21
 Alexandra Landry (LT) 9 1